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Watch movies online from nyaa.si

July 23, 2019

Nyaa.si is specialized in anime movie releases and also it has additional categories like books, audio, etc…

There are few simple steps to start watch movie online without need of download:

  1. Go to the torrent page.
  2. Click “Download Torrent” link.
  3. You should see downloaded torrent file in your browser.
  4. Go to the webtor site.
  5. Click “Open torrent online” button and choose your downloaded torrent file.
  6. After that you will see content of the torrent file.
  7. Click on the movie file (it has .mp4 or .mkv extension) and wait for a little before playback begins.

PS: You can skip steps (3-5) if you install webtor chrome extension.

PPS: As you can see on step 7 webtor supports mkv-transcoding with embedded subtitles out of the box. And you can easily stream audio and download books.

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